A Recent Observation10/20/2019 I recently had a conversation with an atheist who began asking me about Christian missions.
"Don't you think it's arrogant to go into a different culture, and then try to conform them to yours?" I doubt most missionaries go to actually change the culture. They go to play a role in the change of hearts. Yeah, if cannibalism is taking place, then that part of the culture needs to change. That's not what I want to talk about though. What I find interesting is how it is thought that moving to a place and deliberately trying to change the culture is arrogant, yet how many liberals move from the state that they have helped to destroy to someplace more conservative, bringing their politics with them? The culture is set, yet they come and then rail against it, claiming every other part of the culture that they have moved to is evil. Then they do everything in their power to change their new home back to their old destroyed one, criticizing and shaming those who do not agree with their own opinions. Does anybody else see the hypocrisy in this?
Thoughts on Today10/13/2019 Another batch of my commentary of what's been happening in the news of late...
Chinese organ harvesting www.theblaze.com/news/tribunal-reports-that-china-is-killing-prisoners-to-harvest-their-organs Honestly, does this really surprise anyone? This is communism taken to its logical conclusion. If you exist solely for the state's good, then isn't this a duty? Really, I think it's interesting to see people at work/on the media try to proclaim the benefits of the Chinese system, of "socialized democracy", yet refuse to acknowledge that this is an outcome of their beloved system. Colorado/Oklahoma "alliance" www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/colorado-city-removes-topless-ban-in-win-for-free-the-nipple-movement In case you didn't see, Colorado officially made it so that women can walk around topless, since it's "discrimination" that men can do so and women can't. What does this do for groping? Somebody touches a man's chest, no big deal. What about if somebody touches a woman's in Colorado now? This is lib-thought at work. That's wicked enough, but to further add to the problem, people in Oklahoma are now having to put up with their kids seeing naked women walking down their streets as well. Apparently, Colorado and Oklahoma have some form of alliance where if Colorado passes something, it instantly passes in Oklahoma as well. This is beyond me. You've go two different states, two different people groups, two different cultures. Why would you ever forsake your sovereignty and independence to be chained to the stupid decisions of a people not your own? SD card murder www.theblaze.com/news/sd-card-leads-to-murderer-being-caught My main thing here is twofold: 1) How stupid of a murderer do you have to be to videotape yourself committing the act? 2) Who finds a strange SD card laying on the road and thinks, "I need to put this in my laptop."? California HAM ban offgridsurvival.com/california-officials-declare-ham-radio-no-longer-a-benefit/ California has elected to no longer allow repeaters to operate on public lands without paying substantial rent fees. So we've got a part of the country that's prone to earthquakes, wildfires, landslides, riots, and power outages and the public officials decide that punishing the group of volunteers who help with disaster relief communications in such situations is the route they need to go. California doesn't pay for these repeaters; the HAMS do, out of their own pocket, because it's a hobby that they enjoy, and can use to save lives. But no longer. Man dies from California power outage www.foxnews.com/us/oxygen-dependent-man-dies-12-minutes-after-pge-cuts-power-to-his-home So because of lib-though, California is going down the toilet. Their infrastructure can no longer even withstand a 20-30 mph wind storm. The natural decision? "Well, let's just shut down the power for a month. That'll make things better!" This is just the first of many deaths to come from this stupid decision, I guarantee it. AuthorWriter. News junkie. Personal Trainer. Farmer. Archives
October 2019